Residencies, Workshops and Presentations

Artist’s Talk – Art in the Club, Mullumbimby Ex-Services Club, NSW

Tuesday 1 August 2023, 6 pm

Join me in the relaxed atmosphere of the Mullumbimby Ex- Ex-Services Club, where I’ll talk about my 35-year practice as an artist working with glass, my residency at the Nancy Fairfax AIR studio at the Tweed Regional Gallery in September 2022 and my new show, In The Glow of Green.

Artist in Residence at Soneva Fushi, Maldives

1 – 22 December 2022

I definitely began the residency with a plan, as it is quite a challenge to make a whole exhibition in three weeks, but I also wanted to have the flexibility to respond to the island, the natural environment, the rhythms, patterns, textures and colours that I experienced.

Artist in Residence at Tweed Regional Gallery, Murwillumbah, NSW 

4 -18 September 2022

This 2-week residency gave me the opportunity to explore the local natural environment, in particular; Springbrook, Lamington, and Border Ranges National Parks. My focus was on moss, lichen, bark and other surface growths and coverings. There were plenty of rich offerings from the rainforests of this region.

Artist Talk

February 2021

Artist Talk – In Conversation with DR Lisa Slade, Assistant Director, Art Gallery of South Australia, 1 pm – 21 February 2021 – Millicent Gallery, Millicent, South Australia.

This is also the final venue of the 3 year Tour of A Measure of Time, a JamFactory Icon exhibition.

Hot glass workshop at JamFactory Glass Studio

October 2020

Gesture and Expression: How to be loose without being slack.

Most of the workshops I teach involve international travel. Not this one! This is right in my home town, Adelaide. I got to teach within a studio I know and a great group of emerging artists, with the result being a great combination of hard work and fun.

Guildhouse reVision Speaker series: Clare Belfrage & Yhonnie Scarce: The Role of the Artist

22 September 2020

This online presentation was a terrific opportunity to have a conversation with Kokatha and Nukunu artist, Yhonnie Scarce, who I have known and admired for many years. We both work with glass as our predominant material and are very connected to the community of makers, particularly in Adelaide, but also have very different approaches to making. This is a great speaker series exploring many topics pertinent to artists today.

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The Nature of Things

February 2020

Hot glass workshop at The Studio of the Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA

This is my fourth visit to the amazing Corning Museum of Glass in upstate New York. I haven’t taught a workshop for a couple of years. Teaching is itself such a creative process. There’s a lot that goes into it, but I always get such a lot back. I really hope I help the students think about their glassmaking in news ways and in particular assist on that search for finding an individual voice.

Artist in Residence Canberra Glassworks

May 2018

After working at Canberra Glassworks as the Creative Director from 2009 – 2013, it was a thrill to be selected 5 years later as one of the Glassworks 2018 artists in residence. It is a wonderful facility and to have a three-week residency is a precious time for research and development.

Being away from home also means you are pulled in fewer directions helping to give focus. What a treat!

GAS Conference Norfolk Virginia, USA

May 2017

The Glass Art Society Conferences always present a dynamic program. I was honoured to be invited to demonstrate my glassmaking skills at the 2017 conference.

Attached to the Chrysler Museum of Art, The Perry Glass Studio accommodates a large viewing audience. This can be a little daunting but there is so much appreciation for the skills, techniques and drama of glassblowing at these conferences, that after initial nerves settle it’s a real pleasure.