Collection in Green and Blue, 2020

A Measure of Time

When absorbed by the natural world, the enduring inspiration for my work, part of my experience of wonder is the contemplation of Time – the way Time is described, measured and held.

It can feel frozen or captured, it can feel sped up, dense with energy, it can feel fleeting, and it can feel endless.

The rhythms within the natural world that I observe and work to bring into my making, mark out movement through Time, evidence of the life that is lived, expressing growth, ageing, shedding, mapping and binding.

Tree Lines, Pale Green with Dark Green, 2020

Quiet Shifting, Blue and Green, 2018

Elements of a Place, 2020

Clare Belfrage’s glass vessels explore the pulse and flow of forces that shape the natural world as well as the living patterns of the everyday.

Charged, vibrant, equanimous, they traverse the pleasure and awe of elements in nature, drawing on the patterns and rhythms and what lies in their details.

Clare has been an influential member of the artists’ community globally through exhibitions, awards, demonstrations and teaching.